We specialize in Drilling and Well Supply
Premium Quality
with competitive price.
Polaris design and develop drilling rigs, provide auger and rock coring tools, soil and rock core sampling supplies, and monitoring well supplies. We provide local maintenence on the machine.
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We Provide Professional engineering services
We Are National
Service Provider
Polaris provides serivces in drilling, test pitting, well decommissioning, traffic control, drum removal and pile driving analysis.
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We focus on limited access drilling
Provide Potable and
Powerful Products All-in-one or Split type drilling systems for augering, mud rotaty, wash boring, and rock coring in confined space or inaccsessible area.
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Chris Hamlet
We are proud of our workforce and have worked hard.
This in turn has created a culture we have become respected for, and one that our clients regularly commend us for, feeding back what a pleasure it is to work with both our service staff and the crew members.
We are very proud of our workforce and have worked hard to create a business that attracts those people who want to appreciate the importance.
This in turn has created a culture we have become respected for, and one that our clients regularly commend us for feeding back crew members.